How to configure vicibox10 firewall with dynamic ip list

    In this article you are going to learn how to configure the firewall in vicibox10 with dynamic portal. If you are using vicibox 10 and dynamic IP's are not white listed by the default firewall then this article is for you. Here I have provided solutions to solve the firewall issue in vicibox 10 in which the IP' added via dynamic portal are not added in the dynamic white list rule.

vicibox 10 dynamic portal dynamic ip list
vicibox 10 dynamic portal configuration with dynamic ip list

Vicibox 10 and Firewall Issue

    The Recent release of Vicibox10 (ViciBox_v10.x86_64-10.0.0.iso ), have some bugs  with respect to dynamic portal for dynamic ip list and public zone. which has been resolved in the next version 10.0.1. if you still use the major release of vicibox 10 follow this article to resolve the firewall white listing issue.

Vicibox 10 BUG's/Issues

1. Dynamic IP's getting added in blackips IPSET list.

2. IPSet Public Zone missing the rules for all List like whiteips,whitenets,dynamic clist for the services like asterisk,apache2,apache2-ssl

Solution For vicidial10 firewall

In this blog i will be covering both the bug fix and configuration steps for the  vicibox 10 dynamic portal with whitelist ,dynamic ip list.

VICIbox Server is the official installation CD for the VICIDIAL Call Center Suite. It is based off of OpenSuSE server, and will properly install the VICIDIAL Call Center Suite with relative ease.

The ViciBox-Firewall is an integration of the underlying firewall in the OS, various features of ViciDial, and some add-on ViciBox features. This allows for the relatively easy administration of all network access to the various features of ViciDial. The firewall integration itself supports a Black list, a White list, a Dynamic List with a user authentication portal


Vicibox 10 Dynamic Portal use three major components


2. nftables

3. Firewalld

ipset is a companion application for the iptables Linux firewall. It allows you to setup rules to quickly and easily block a set of IP addresses, among other things.

nftables is a Linux packet classification framework that replaces the Netfilter infrastructure behind iptables, ip6tables, arptables, and ebtables ,

firewalld is a zone-based firewall. Zone-based firewalls are network security systems that monitor traffic and take actions based on a set of defined rules applied against incoming/outgoing packets.

it is better to have knowledge in these components ,which helps in troubleshooting and understand how vicibox dynamic portal works, Check out my youtube video on Vicibox 10 firewall Video tutorial

STEP 1: Bug fix the VB-firewall code.

SSH to the server,  Edit the VB-firewall and replace IPBLACK to IPDYNAMIC at line no 763

vi +763 /usr/bin/VB-firewall

doipnetslist(\@dynamicips, $IPBLACK, "X", "DynamicList");


doipnetslist(\@dynamicips, $IPDYNAMIC, "X", "DynamicList");

or run the below command to replace the word IPBLACK to IPDYNAMIC

cd /usr/bin/

sed -i '763s/IPBLACK/IPDYNAMIC/' VB-firewall

save the file.

STEP 2: Fix the Public Zone missing Rules.

edit the public.xml using vi editor and add below lines before the </zone> line

vi /etc/firewalld/zones/public.xml

<rule family="ipv4">
    <source ipset="whiteips"/>
    <service name="apache2"/>
  <rule family="ipv4">
    <source ipset="whitenets"/>
    <service name="apache2"/>
  <rule family="ipv4">
    <source ipset="dynamiclist"/>
    <service name="apache2"/>
  <rule family="ipv4">
    <source ipset="whiteips"/>
    <service name="apache2-ssl"/>
  <rule family="ipv4">
    <source ipset="whitenets"/>
    <service name="apache2-ssl"/>
  <rule family="ipv4">
    <source ipset="dynamiclist"/>
    <service name="apache2-ssl"/>
  <rule family="ipv4">
    <source ipset="whiteips"/>
    <service name="asterisk"/>
  <rule family="ipv4">
    <source ipset="whitenets"/>
    <service name="asterisk"/>
  <rule family="ipv4">
    <source ipset="dynamiclist"/>
    <service name="asterisk"/>

Save the file.

STEP 3: Activate IP list Admin

Enable Allow IP LIst : 1
vicibox 10 dynamic portal ip admin list

STEP 4: Attach the Public Zone to the Interface.

Access your Vicibox through SSH either putty or direct server console.

type yast firewall 

navigate to INTERFACES and press Enter

vicibox 10 dynamic portal public

Now in the Right Side pane, Select your public interface and Select Change Zone  or Press ALT+C
to change the zone from Default to Public,

vicibox 10 dynamic portal public zone

Once the Public Zone selected from drop down, select accept or press ALT+A to save the configuration
vicibox 10 dynamic portal public zone accept

STEP 5: Removing the default services from Public zone and add viciportal, viciportal-ssl service

In SSH console type
yast firewall
select the Public zone in the list.
vicibox 10 dynamic portal public zone add

Now from the Allowed list select the below service and select remove or press ALT+e

Press Remove or ALT+e

vicibox 10 dynamic portal public zone remove service

Next from the Known services Select below service and press add or ALT+d

vicibox 10 dynamic portal public zone viciporta

vicibox 10 dynamic portal public zone viciporta1

Finally Select Accept or press ALT+A to save the changes.

STEP 6: Add the VB-firewall in crontab

type crontab -e and at the last line and delete below entries

@reboot /usr/bin/VB-firewall --voipbl --noblack --quiet
0 */6 * * * /usr/bin/VB-firewall --voipbl --noblack --flush --quiet

Then add the below entries

@reboot /usr/bin/VB-firewall --white --dynamic --quiet
* * * * * /usr/bin/VB-firewall --white --dynamic --quiet

Finaly give reboot to the server 

type reboot. 

STEP 7: Test the dynamic Portal

Access the Vicibox dynamic portal and authenticate to add your ip in dynamic whitelist

for http type

for https type

vicibox 10 dynamic portal viciportal

STEP :8 , Commands to test the Firewall,ipset,nftables

ipset --list  -- check your IP is listed in respective IP set name

firewall-cmd --list-all  - to check services and rules in public zone

nft list table inet firewalld - list the nftables rules.


    Hope this article is helpful in resolving the vicibox 10 firewall issue not adding the IP in white list also learnt how to configure the vicibox 10 firewall with dynamic portal.
  • Ajit Kumar
    Ajit Kumar April 4, 2022 at 9:18 AM

    How to configure Firewall in Vicibox 10 with dynamic portal

  • Unknown
    Unknown April 19, 2022 at 6:56 AM

    Hello can u plz tell me what is the query to save the file, i can't see what u r writing to save it.

    • Ajit Kumar
      Ajit Kumar April 19, 2022 at 9:36 AM

      if you are using vi editor then press ctrl+c and then :wq

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous June 17, 2024 at 11:52 PM

    Did you also apply it on vici 11 because I can't see viciportal and viciportal-ssl services in Public zone.

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