Best GSM Gateways for 2023 in INDIA: A Comprehensive Guide


    GSM gateways are devices that allow you to connect your Dialers,IPPBX, Landline ,Voip Phones or IPPhones system to the GSM mobile network. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as routing calls to and from mobile phones, sending and receiving SMS messages, and enabling mobile data connectivity. Particularly for those using dialers like Vicidial, Goautodial, Asterisk based dialers the GSM gateway provide greater advantage by swapping the SIM cards instantly for the those numbers which are blocked or marked as spam in Truecaller. 

There are a wide variety of GSM gateways available on the market, so it can be difficult to choose the right one for your needs. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best GSM gateways on the market in 2023, and help you choose the right one for your business or organization.

Best GSM Gateways for Business and dialers:

Here are a few of the best GSM gateways for business in 2023:

1. Dinstar

2. Yeastar

3. Synway

4. Openvox

Dinstar GSM Gateway: One of my favourite GSM gateway good to go, Dinstar GSM gateways are built with high-quality components and are designed to provide reliable performance for 24/7 operation. The good part of Dinstar GSM Gateway in INDIA is support and fast delivery by the Distributor dcinetindia, who also take cares of AMC for the GSM Gateways.


GSM Ports 4 to 32 ports also include SIM Banks

Easy to configure

Supports SIP/IAX Protocol trunking


Check out my Dinstar Configuration Guide with asterisk

Yeastar GSM Gateway: Yeastar is second choice of gsm gateway , gateways available from 1 to 16 ports . Yeastar is configuration is similar to Dinstar easy to configure and supports SIP and IAX Trunking with the dialers like Vicidial, Goautodial, Asterisk, and Freepbx. The major distributor of yeastar in INDIA is cohesiveglobal.

Check out my Yeastar GSM gateway configuration with asterisk/vicidial

Synway GSM Gateway:Synway is also major vendor of GSM gateways in INDIA, There Gateways are easy to configure and more reliable .,available in 2 to 32 ports range. The major distributor in INDIA is Cozy Vision Infotech Private Limited.

Checkout my Synway GSM Gateway configuration with asterisk

Openvox GSM Gateway: OpenVox Communication is a global leading provider of the VoIP Gateways, IPPBX and open source Asterisk Telephony Cards with excellent quality and experience, They have 8 ,16 ,32 port GSM Gateways. Openvox is also easy to configure which supports both SIP and IAX trunking with the asterisk based PBX dialers, also with other pbx.

The Openvox is avaiable to purchase from online markets.

If you already have Openvox GSM Gateway check my openvox Intallation tutorial


    In a country as diverse as India, where connectivity varies from one region to another, the right GSM gateway can be a game-changer. Whether you're in an urban hub, a remote village, or running a business, the GSM gateways from Dinstar offer versatile solutions that ensure you remain connected, no matter where you are. When it comes to staying in touch, reliability is key, and these GSM gateways deliver just that.

If you are looking for a GSM gateway reach me on skype ,telegram: striker24x7

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